The spectacular little birds are every where now one minute they're down the field in the chicken tractor then they're outside the back door and now in these pictures, they're on the lawn.
We have started to name the birdies here i have marmalade perching on my arm. He/she gave me some pretty nasty scratches earlier....
This is Little Orange my chick that i named because he/she is quite small and has a orange leg ring on. He/she is a vorspung derk teknic (I don't know how to spell that) which has a orange body and a black head.
This cheerful little bird is not very special but it is the only Aracuner out of 5 or 6 that will let me pick it up :D
This is Ramses the little well-summer is very nice and doesn't scratch very much the other well-summer is Cleopatra because it has eye liner and generally looks Egyptian.
how do you tell one from another ? Don't think I will be holding any lol
ReplyDeleteNan x
:D we put leg bands on.